Call for Papers At DMM11

As is traditional at a Data Migration Matters event, we are putting out a call for papers.  Do you recognise yourself as an expert in some aspect of data migration, and want to share your knowledge? Have you experiences as a client-side manager, delivering a business transformation event, and you want to share your war stories?  Are you a consultant with years of experience in multiple settings, with a host of tips on how to avoid the common gottcha’s of system cut-overs?

What ever data migration story you have to tell then this is your chance to get that story out in front of your peers.  Drop me a line at with “DMM11 Call for Papers” in the subject.

The Rules - send me an outline of your presentation in not more than 150 words (not full presentation packs) telling me what you want to tell us about and why it is important for a DMM11 audience. Also include an 80 word bio demonstrating that you have the experience to back up what you are saying.

Software vendors or consultancies trying to grab some free publicity will be excluded. We want content that is informative and generalised. Case studies (anonymised if necessary) that demonstrate one or more learning point are most likely to succeed.

Closing date for entries - 9th September 2022